Missing Pieces - NPE Life

Aimee DNAngel S4 - Ep1

November 15, 2023 Don Anderson Season 4 Episode 1

Hi Everyone welcome to season 4 of the show. My seasons mean absolutely nothing. They start and stop every time I get to 13 episodes.

On today's show we have Aimee from DNAngels

She does these cool little tiktoks about some of the cases she's worked on. She helps folks find their biological parents. For free. And she talks about some of these cases in theses short little tiktok videos which also are on their instagram. And I love them.
You can watch these on tiktok, their account is  DNAngels and on instagram they are DNAngelsorg

If you would like to make a donation to DNAngels click here They are a non-profit so any donation is a tax write-off.  If you want to request a search angel click here

There main website is www.DNAngels.org NOTE there is only one "A" in their name.

To get in touch with Don, follow me on instagram or email me at DonNPE@icloud.com

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